Poecilia reticulata: Domestic Breeder Trait Matrix Reference Guide
Database Maintained by Alan S. Bias & Carl Groenewegen.
© Alan S. Bias & Carl Groenewegen.
November 17, 2016
Permission granted for nonprofit reproduction or duplication of photos and text with proper credit for learning purposes only.
Note: All photos by author(s), from published research, or by express permission of owners (unlisted for size).
Purpose: The purpose of the publication is to provide Domestic Guppy breeders with a Scientifically Published (primary) and Breeder Documented (secondary) Knowledge Base. One that will encompass known Genetics, Genetic normals, abnormals & anamolies, Wild-Type & Domestic precursor traits for color & pattern. It does not attempt to decipher specific phenotypes. Only provide the means to understand them.
Updates: Periodic as old or new knowledge is acquired or published. Suggestions and input welcome with source documentation and photos to alansbias@aol.com or cgroen9079@aol.com.
Column B - Trait Type: Listed by Categories; Genetic - Normal / Abnormal, Body - Color / Pattern, Finnage - Color / Pattern, Finnage - Shape, Wild-Type Research.
Column C - Formal Genotype: Published Putative Genotype.
Column D - Informal Breeder Genotype: Documented Breeder Putative Genotype.
Column E - Mode of Inheritance: By Formal Publication, if lacking Breeder Documentation or Suspicion.
Column F - Description of Interactions: Brief Description of Trait in Abstract.
Column G - Other Names: Also Known As or See Other Linked / Similar Trait(s) Reference Name.
Column H - Formal Publication: By Author(s) / Year(s).
Columns I & J - Examples: Photo's or Drawings from Research first, Evidentuary Photo second.
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