PROMOTE THE HOBBY THROUGH OPEN MINDED EXCHANGE OF KNOWLEDGE AND IDEAS - Share your experiences as a breeder or novice both good and bad. Pass on your experiences and share results with the next generation. A successful breeder will be remembered for such efforts...

Friday, November 18, 2016

Poecilia reticulata: Domestic Breeder Trait Matrix Reference Guide

Poecilia reticulata:  Domestic Breeder Trait Matrix Reference Guide

Database Maintained by Alan S. Bias & Carl Groenewegen.
© Alan S. Bias & Carl Groenewegen.
November 17, 2016

Permission granted for nonprofit reproduction or duplication of photos and text with proper credit for learning purposes only.

Note: All photos by author(s), from published research, or by express permission of owners (unlisted for size).

Purpose: The purpose of the publication is to provide Domestic Guppy breeders with a Scientifically Published (primary) and Breeder Documented (secondary) Knowledge Base. One that will encompass known Genetics, Genetic normals, abnormals & anamolies, Wild-Type & Domestic precursor traits for color & pattern. It does not attempt to decipher specific phenotypes. Only provide the means to understand them.

Updates: Periodic as old or new knowledge is acquired or published. Suggestions and input welcome with source documentation and photos to or

Column A - Reference Name:  By Scientific Description if formally published, Breeder Terminology if Not Published.

Column B - Trait Type:  Listed by Categories; Genetic - Normal / Abnormal, Body - Color / Pattern, Finnage - Color / Pattern, Finnage - Shape, Wild-Type Research.

Column C - Formal Genotype:  Published Putative Genotype.

Column D - Informal Breeder Genotype:  Documented Breeder Putative Genotype.

Column E - Mode of Inheritance:  By Formal Publication, if lacking Breeder Documentation or Suspicion.

Column F - Description of Interactions:  Brief Description of Trait in Abstract.

Column G - Other Names:  Also Known As or See Other Linked / Similar Trait(s) Reference Name.

Column H - Formal Publication:  By Author(s) / Year(s).

Columns I & J - Examples:  Photo's or Drawings from Research first, Evidentuary Photo second.


Click in individual photos to enlarge...



Sunday, November 6, 2016

2016 IFGA Annual Show Photos and Results

2016 IFGA Annual Show Photos and Results

© Alan S. Bias
Permission granted for nonprofit reproduction or duplication of photos and text with proper credit for learning purposes only. November 6, 2016

For over 50 years the highlight of the North American yearly show circuit has been the International Fancy Guppy Association (IFGA) Annual Show.  Rotated yearly between regional member clubs this show serves several purposes. First, it offers both active IFGA members and non-member Guppy enthusiasts a chance to see the results of pedigree Domestic Guppy breeding programs first hand. Second, a time to acknowledge and distribute overall and class championship awards to breeders. Third, a place for the IFGA to conduct business at its Annual Meeting.  Fourth, and often the most important a location for new and old breeders to re-acquaint with each other and simply talk about Domestic Guppy breeding.

This years show was hosted by one of the premier North American clubs, Michigan Guppy Breeders, Sep. 30 - Oct. 2, 2016 in Romulus, Michigan, USA.  With 709 entries the show was a very successful event.  Yet this number is a bit misleading, as it includes not only single entries, but also matched male and breeder entries.  So, the actual number of fish entered was well over 1000.

One of the more notable events at this years show occurred with Dave Polunas winning Best of Show (BOS) male, and Best of Show (BOS) Tank with well bred IFGA Purple delta's.  I am also happy to mention that Dave Polunas was honored by Guppy Associates International Chicago with their yearly awarding of Guppyman (person) of The Year.  This for his many years of dedication and service to the IFGA and support of Domestic Guppy breeding. Well deserved old friend...

An accomplishment well worth mentioning is Simeon Bonev's back to back winning of IFGA Grand Overall Male for 2016 & 2015.  A friend and fellow Swordtail Breeder, he continually professes, "I don't really like Swordtails".  Many of you will recognize Simeon from his attendance and support of recent World Guppy Contest shows.  Well done...
While emphasis at IFGA shows normally focuses on Delta Tail males, it should be noted females have always played an important part in number of entries.  A few examples from this years 100+ Annual Show females entries.

Another often overlooked class at IFGA shows are Swordtails, it should be noted Swords have also played an important part in number of entries with an ever increasing presence as a result of dedicated breeders.  I'm happy to say that the IFGA is again addressing the issue of adding other non-delta classes to its shows going forward.   A few examples from this years 58 Annual Show Swordtail entries.

It is nice to see renewed interest in several classes which have been on the decline in recent years at IFGA competitions.  One of my perennial favorites the IFGA Yellow Delta with 21 entries, most often comprised of either Schimmelpennig Platinum or Micariff phenotypes.  A set of Schim Plat Yellow delta breeding's has been an ongoing side project in my fishroom for the last year.  Now in F2 and backcross, time will tell if a delta will hold my interest long enough to produce a final result.

For more photos see Rocky Mountain Guppy Associates:

For IFGA membership and access to the Monthly IFGA Bulletin:

Feed those youngsters well, change the water often, clean those filters, and cull heavily.
Next years show season will be here sooner than you think...


Click on blog photos to enlarge

Click on blog photos to enlarge