Has the Robson Guppy truly disappeared?
By Alan S. Bias 6.16.16
© Alan S. Bias - June 16, 2016
Permission granted for nonprofit reproduction or duplication of photos and text in entirety with proper credit for learning purposes only.
Reprinted from: http://www.reef2rainforest.com/2016/06/16/has-the-robson-guppy-truly-disappeared/
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Robson Guppy drawn from early standard descriptions based on wild-type color and pattern. |
In the year 1937 A. E. Robson of High Gate, London, England introduced to United Kingdom (UK) members of the Guppy Breeder's Society (GBS) a new strain which would become known among Domestic Guppy breeders as the "Robson Guppy". A strain produces a visible phenotype; a grouping of multiple traits. The Robson strain incorporated two unique traits in females at the time. First, the phenotypical structure of the dorsal resembled that of males from other early strains, still bred today, including the Speartail. While the caudal structure resembled that of the Roundtail, also still bred today. The primary noted difference with Roundtail being a long tapering dorsal with extension well into the caudal round, as compared to early and modern Roundtail's which possess a much shorter and rectangular dorsal that does not extend into the caudal round. In example below a Robson type male.
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Robson type female with Tapering Dorsal and black finnage.
Photo courtesy Carl Groenewegen
Second, and most importantly, the Robson females expressed color in finnage. While this may seem inconsequential today, the Robson females are documented as being one of the first captive-bred strains to express either sex-link or autosomal linked color in finnage. Albeit, melanophores and not actual color pigment. In example below, a modern Black Moscow female with black finnage and extended non-tapering dorsal.
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Robson colored female, with non-tapering extended dorsal.
Photo courtesy Desmond Koh
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Robson male from some years ago, photo courtesy of Stephen Elliot |
At the time, scientific research involving Poecilia reticulata was still in infancy. Most notable researchers at the time were O. J. Winge, L. J. Blacher, Johs. Schmidt, C. P. & E. F. Haskins, J. P. Druzba, V. F. & A. I. Natali, and V. S. Kirpichnikov, to name a few of the more notable, who were doing studies near exclusively on captive bred wild-caught populations. In wild-type Mother Nature imposes many restrictions which best define "fitness traits" geared towards survival of P. reticulata as a prey species. One of which is "color neutral / clear caudal" females. Above lateral line female coloration is specifically adapted for camouflage from above, and below lateral line female coloration is adapted for camouflage from below. While minimal finnage appears clear to the naked eye and in the shape of a genetic roundtail.
The available published research at the time suggested wild-type females possessed little or no color pigment in genotype (XX-link), thus passed little color or pattern genotype to male offspring. However, when this information was disseminated to breeders by aquatic authors of the day, it mistakenly assumed the same results applied to wild-type results would also apply to domestic strains being developed. As A. E. Robson showed in 1937, this was not the case. His simple strain, by modern standards, proved P. reticulata females were capable of expressing color in captive bred domestic strains, extracted from traits existing unexpressed in wild-type. It would also help corroborate later research showing females were:
1. Capable of naturally possessing color in genotype (XX-link and autosomal),
2. Capable of acquiring color through chromosomal crossover (Y to X-link) during meiosis,
3. Capable of androgen based expression of color pigments.
By the early 1950's researchers were showing in captive bred wild-caught populations what breeders had demonstrated in their tanks fifteen years prior. That being, in native high predation locations much of male color pattern was preserved and passed not by Y-link inheritance, but rather X-link and autosomal. Flashy Y-link males gain benefit via female sexual selection preference in both low and high predation locales. Yet, suffer higher mortality in the latter. Therefore, it is not of benefit for males to pass high degrees of color / pattern and reflective qualities to all sons in the form of Y-link. The stage was set for development of the wide array of Domestic Guppy strains we see world-wide today.
It would be nearly another 10 years before the GBS recognized the Robson phenotype in its breeding standards of 1947. According to Klee, Robson females exhibited, "a large round jet-black tail and a black dorsal." The remainder of body and finnage coloration in Robson females was described as being blue iridophore and yellow Metal Gold (Mg), commonly seen in wild-type. Though possibly more pronounced? Males were described by Klee as, "lacking the black spots characteristic of the common guppy of the time, but they did have their tails and dorsal fins edged in black." It should be noted that more recent Robson type males (tapering dorsal & round caudal) express diversity of type found in color & pattern of modern short-tail strains. While those of earlier breeding’s were likely limited to “wild-type”, “multi” or “Vienna” body color and pattern. In example below, a male of Robson finnage type (tapering dorsal and round caudal) edged in black with modern Saddleback color and pattern.
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Robson type male with Saddleback color & pattern.
Photo courtesy Gernot Kaden
While breeder lore indicates creation of the Robson strain involved the use of Cream (double recessive blond (b) + golden (g) females, Klee contradicted this belief, without substantiating, stating Robson infused "imported females that exhibit much black in their fins" into his gene pool.
While Robson Guppies were to be found in continental Europe, its core support came from breeders in the United Kingdom. The UK Federation of Guppy Breeder's Society (FGBS), successor to the GBS, standards defined the Robson in 1955 and 1961 as, "Caudal Fin - To be evenly rounded and free from any resemblance of a straight line or point. Dorsal Fin - To be long, slim, tapering to a point and extending beyond the Caudal peduncle. Standard Grey body only." As such, clearly defined Robson as a body style trait and not in regard to color or pattern. The FGBS was geared towards production of Short-tail Guppies.
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The Robson Guppy, 1955 UK Federation of Guppy Breeder's Society standard. |
In 1961, UK Fancy Guppy Association (FGA), successor to the FGBS, failed to recognize in its Standards Handbook the Robson Guppy as either a body type or color class. Instead, listed, "FEMALES, ALL VARIETIES, COLOURS on fins should be varied and brilliant. In revised 1967 standards had apparently seen the error in previous interpretation of the Robson phenotype by re-classifying prior standard from that of a "body / finnage type" to a "basic body colour". Which stated, "Robson - Permitted only in the grey standard basic body colour. The dorsal and caudal fins must be black and no other colour on the body or fins is allowed."
However, by doing so had set the course for continued declining interest and eventual demise of this 30 year old phenotype. From foundation to demise the FGA was founded and geared toward production of Broad-tail Guppies. By 1973 the Robson phenotype was no longer included in FGA standards for either color or body.
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Asian Black Moscow female of Robson coloration, with tapering dorsal and minimal extension. Photo courtesy 曾皇傑 Tseng Huang Chieh |
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Asian Black Moscow female of Robson coloration, with tapering dorsal and minimal extension. Photo courtesy 曾皇傑 Tseng Huang Chieh |
So what brought about the demise of the Robson phenotype as a strain recognized by formal Guppy Breeder Associations? As late as 1989, The UK Federation of Northern Aquarium Societies, in its publication, "A Simple Guide to Identification; Guppy (Fin Shapes), listed the Robson Guppy as a body type. The Robson was never formally recognized in North America by the American Guppy Association (AGA) or successor International Fancy Guppy Association (IFGA). Nor, was the Robson ever recognized in continental Europe by the Internationales Kuratorium Guppy Hochzucht (IKGH), active since 1981. From its creation in 1937 until the 1970's the Robson Guppy strain was primarily bred by breeders in the UK.
While the Robson Guppy created quite the stir in its heyday, it could not compete with changing breeder interests and new developments in their tanks. Interest during the 1950-60's was shifting from Swordtails and Short-tails to colorful new Broadtail strains. A standard limiting females to black coloration in finnage and none in body did not help in bolstering dwindling interest. Trying to locate photos of the Robson is like hunting a needle in a hay stack. Few, if any, seem to have been photographed by breeders in tanks or at shows. None of these breeders are active today. To date I have located only a single color plate indicative of a Robson male; see Madsen, J. M., (1975) Aquarium Fishes In Color. In example below, a male of Robson finnage type (tapering dorsal and round caudal) with modern Full Red color and pattern.
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Robson type male with Full Red color & pattern.
Photo courtesy Gernot Kaden
Like most modern Domestic Guppy strains the Robson was likely not the result of a "new mutation", rather the product of X-link, Y-link and autosomal traits hidden in wild-type. More often than not these traits are in simple non-linked combination passed by males and females, rather than a true linked complex that is passed to offspring in a single event. They are identified in captive bred population’s subject only to selection imposed by breeders and not natural predation or female sexual selection preferences imposed on wild populations. Large scale mutations are rare and infrequent events, being almost immeasurable. Small scale mutations, on the other hand, are being recognized as frequent and common place. These occur on both the chromosomes and autosomes in the form of transpositions in small snippets of DNA. While producing new phenotypes, this may also foster instability seen in breeder results within “fixed strains.”
In the case of the Robson, it is primarily comprised of X-link &/or autosomal:
1. Concentration of black melanophores in finnage,
2. Tapering dorsal structure with extension.
While modern breeders still commonly associated the term "Robson" with a tapering dorsal in females, it should be remembered for its greatest impact. That being, the first documented expression of color in females as a result of X-link &/or autosomal genotype. This knowledge has allowed for the creation of all expressed female color in modern Domestic Guppy strains. How much as a direct result of Robson females? In all likelihood not that much. In domestic breeding situations it is commonplace for similar phenotypes to arise in multiple locations, just as it is in the wild.
It is feasible Robson genotype for colored finnage in females was used to further develop new strains. If so, most likely candidates are early European black and purple Veiltails. As the genetic foundation of these strains was initially developed in the 1950-60's using females with X-link &/or autosomal black melanophores in finnage. From which later Black strains have been produced, in example below, Asian and North American bred females.
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Asian “Midnight Black Moscow Delta with non-tapering dorsal and extension. Photo courtesy Desmond Koh |
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Asian Black Moscow female of Robson coloration, with tapering dorsal and no extension. Photo courtesy Sun Lee |
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IFGA Black Delta with non-tapering dorsal and extension.
Photo courtesy Bryan Chin
Breeders should always keep in mind that regulation of color and pattern is considered generally distinct between body and finnage. Regulation between caudal and dorsal is often distinct, between strains. As is extension genetics, which allow for variation in lengths of finnage types through breeder selection.
Tapering dorsal is still very much common place in non-black finned Domestic Guppy strains to include: Lyretails, Swordtails, Speartails, Pintails, and even Roundtails. Though, standards worldwide frown on a Rountail tail guppy with a tapering dorsal. Yet, this still serves a purpose. In that it further demonstrates a tapering dorsal and finnage pigmentation was never in a linked complex in the Robson Guppy. Nor, is a tapering dorsal linked in complex to caudal shape, as each can pass independent of the other.
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female with Tapering Dorsal ca. 2004.
Photo courtesy 顏威廉
William Yen
Red Double Sword female with Tapering Dorsal.
Photo by Alan S. Bias
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Delta female with Tapering Dorsal.
Photo courtesy Carl Groenewegen
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Asian X-link Double sword female with Tapering Dorsal.
Photo courtesy Gary Lee
So has the Robson Guppy truly disappeared from breeder tanks? As a strain defined by earlier standards, possibly. In contribution to current breeding's? Not likely, as all components are still found worldwide in many improved strains. Thus, with effort, could potentially be re-constituted in original form with well-defined breeding's.
NOTE: All photos by author or used with express permission of breeder / photographer.
CONTRIBUTORS: Stephen Elliot, Kettering, England.
FGA, (1961, 1967, 1973) Standards Handbooks, First Edition 1961, Revised 1967, Revised 1973.
FGBS, (1955, 1961) The Guppy Breeders's Standards Handbook, Seventh Edition, Rev. Jan., 1955, Eighth Edition, Rev. Jan., 1961.
Frazer-Brunner, A. (1953) The Guppy, The Aquarist, Reprinted 1953.
Haskins, C.P. & Haskins E. F. (1951) The Inheritance of Certain Color Patterns in Wild Populations of Lebistes reticulatus in Trinidad.
Klee, Albert J., (2003) The Guppy 1859-1967, Finley Aquatic Books.
Madsen, J. M., (1975) Aquarium Fishes In Color, Macmillan Publishing, Co.
Stoye, F. H., (1934) Color Breeding of Guppies, The Aquarium, Vol. III, No. 2, June 1934, pgs 32-33.
The Federation of Northern Aquarium Societies, (1989), A Simple Guide to Identification; Guppy (Fin Shapes).
This years 19th World Guppy
Contest (WGC) is being held in Vienna, Austria this coming August 22-28,
2016, http://www.worldguppycontest2016.com/. This in followup to last years highly successful 18th WGC held
in Tampa, Florida USA, by the Florida Guppy Club. Held under the auspices
of the World Guppy Association, /http://www.world-guppy.org/, WGC contests are traditionally rotated around the world each year.
I have wanted to attend a show hosted by the Austrian Club, one of the
oldest in the world, since a teenager. Now I will attend and have been
humbled and honored with an invitation to judge the event. This
show promises attract breeders from around the world. There is still time
to plan a trip if within your means.
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